admission process
cbse 10th cbse result

- A student seeking admission to the school should obtain a form of application and prospectus on payment of prescribed fee.
- The application should be filled in carefully, accurately and submitted to the principal in time along with the prescribed certificates.
- Incomplete and late application will be rejected.
- Names of the selected students for admission by a selection committee to various classes will be notified on the notice board in the school.
- No intimation will be sent by post.
- Parents / Guardians must accompany their wards at the time of admission.
- All admissions are subject to the approval of selection committee.
Birth Certificate of the child
Report Card showing successful completion of previous class
Transfer Certificate/School Leaving Certificate
(from the previous school)
4 Passport size Photographs of the child
Parent's photograph (1 each)
CBSE Registration No. in previous school
(For grade IX)
Immunization record of the child
School Uniform
Uniforms are available in the School; new students are sent a list, detailing the materials to be brought to School by each child and listing those that the school will supply. Parents must ensure that no more and no less than the articles required are sent with the child. We encourage a sense of equality and parents are advised not to send any expensive personal items to school with their children, since the school will not, under any circumstances, take responsibility for the loss of any such items.
School Terms
There are two school terms each year.
Conduct and Discipline
The school lays emphasis on self-discipline for, without discipline it is not possible to achieve excellence in any field. Discipline is not instilled through harsh or humiliating and corporal punishment. It is our aim to imbibe in each student a sense of good manners and behavior and to foster a sense of cooperation and respect for elders.
Parents withdrawing their child during the current term will not be entitled to any refund of fee. Parents who decide to discontinue the education of a child from the next term must give due notice in writing to the Principal not less than 60 days before the start of the next term.
Note: Transfer Certificate will not be issued until all dues of the school are settled.
Declaration from the parents
- Parents will certify that all the information provided by them is correct. If the information is found to be incorrect or false, their ward shall be automatically debarred from the selection / admission process and appropriate action will be taken accordingly.
- Parents should understand that the application / registration / short listing do not guarantee admission to their ward.
- Parents are expected to accept the process of admission undertaken by the school and will abide by the decision taken by the school authorities.
- Fees are to be paid in full by the beginning of year/term as per the school norms.
- Fee paid receipt should be preserved by the student, for the future reference.
- A student joining the school even after the commencement of the academic year, should pay the fee as per the school norms.
- Fee once paid at the time of admission to the school is non refundable.
- A duly signed official receipt will be issued for every payment made to the school.
- Students are expected to clear all their arrears including find for damages/ breakages in any, before writing final examinations.
- Absence with or without permission from the school shall not be an excuse for the non - payment of fees on the prescribed date.