Decoding skills as well as blending and segmenting
Comprehension skills are introduced through quality literature
Fine motor skills to support the development of handwriting skills
Imaginative role-play and drama to develop each child's communication language and creativity development
Understanding and using numbers
Using shapes, spaces and measurements to solve numerical problems
Developing problem solving skills
elementary kids
Kinder GarTen
Reception, our pre-school school programme for 2.5 years old
- The Pre primary Curriculum for our youngest SNS students is hands-on, fun and exciting. The children are given opportunities to think, speak and listen in a range of situations, to develop their communication and language skills, as well as their confidence in expressing their thoughts and ideas.
- The physical learning environment, both indoor and outdoor, provides the children with stimulating and challenging learning opportunities to develop their co-ordination and control and they are encouraged to work with equipment to develop both their gross motor and fine motor skills. Children are supported to develop a positive sense of their own self and their abilities, build positive relationships with each other and develop care and respect for others.
- Our rich and broad programme, in which our youngest students are provided with a variety of learning opportunities that are suited for their stage of development, ensures they have a positive start to their learning journey with us.
- The wonderful world of stories, nursery rhymes, songs, role-play and drama within a language rich learning environment, stimulates the children's curiosity and helps their learning of phonics and the development of fundamental early reading and writing skills.
Transition, our kindergarten school programme for 3 and 4 years old
- In Transition, the day becomes more structured and whilst we put an emphasis on the development of early English and Mathematics skills, we offer a balanced programme with a variety of teaching and learning activities to suit different learning styles and a range of learning opportunities across all areas of learning to prepare the children for their future education.
- Explicit teaching of phonics, early reading and writing and mathematics, together with teaching and learning activities in Understanding the World and the Expressive Arts and Design, ensure we continue to build upon the children's knowledge and understanding in all areas of learning and development. Exciting topics and projects, which follow the children's needs and interests and incorporate opportunities for English, Maths as well as technology, enhance the children's learning opportunities.
- Through stories, rhymes and songs we develop children's communication and language skills. Early reading and writing skills are developed as we encourage children to link sounds and letters, blend and segment to begin to read and write. There are mark making and writing opportunities in all areas of learning and development, both indoor and outdoor, to support and encourage early mark making and writing.
- Children have the opportunities to experiment and develop their skills and confidence using numbers, shapes and patterns, as well as their problem solving skills through a rich variety of stories, songs, rhymes and games. Critical thinking and creativity enables young children to make connections in their learning and is an important part of successful and life-long learning.
SNS Academician
Each and every student at SNS Academy are thoughtful, creative and are taught to take responsibilities for their own actions.