Receive an excellent standard in education from specialist in English, Mathematics, Science, and Social Science, Arts, Languages, Health and Physical Education, and Technology.
Are stimulated by provocations about literature, languages and the arts and explorations of the history and mysteries of the world around them.
Facilitate inquiring minds through hands-on involvement in scientific and mathematical investigations.
Enjoy low teacher-pupil ratios and the myriad benefits of being known, seen, heard, cared about and understood by teachers who are particularly skillful at managing their students' academic and pastoral needs at this age.
Are able to learn in ways that recognize their individual learning styles, strengths and abilities.
Work independently and collaboratively to research significant topics, concepts and problems, and to determine logical and creative solutions.
Learn to use cognitive thinking skills, scaffolds and strategies to plan and summarize their information and ideas in class work, homework, tests and exams.
Attend school trips which are determined from year to year.
Attend school trips which are determined from year to year.
Develop the values and attitudes, sense of belonging and connectedness that contribute to long-term happiness and success.
- Pathways. With guidance and encouragement from their class teachers and subject specialists, they are motivated to extend their academic, sporting and cultural abilities.
- Our students respond willingly and well to the School's expectations of self-discipline, courtesy and diligence, and they represent their school with pride.
- In keeping with SNS Academy's objective of producing well-balanced individuals who utilize their personal strengths for the good of the whole community. Grade 5 ,6 upward students are ready to take increasing responsibility for their own learning, and they rise to the School's expectations of them.